Haven’t had it in years, but my grandfather made them all the time and called it Gas House egg.
Haven’t had it in years, but my grandfather made them all the time and called it Gas House egg.
60 miles away from the broadcast center, but luckily in a very flat area. I still have an old-school antenna set up on a tower and rotor, and can pull in between 25-30 stations if you include the digital substations.
I got this set up from Radio Shack in the early 80s. Cable made me regret it for a long time, but let’s hear it for laziness allowing me to get good use out of it since I clipped all but internet service.
Bonus: you can split out the signal and hook the antenna up to home stereos, and get TONS of FM stations that even my car won’t pick up.
Old stuff gets useful again! Yay!
Got it, all good, thank you so much.
Oregon Trail, on cassette, on a RadioShack TRS-80 in the school library.
Gaming heaven.
Started with the 8" bastards on a dedicated word processor (with a 12" CRT, green phospher glow, and typwriter style printer built right into the top of the unit!) that my dad had for medical filekeeping at his office.
It’s been amazing watching storage tech from those to zip drives, and now, floppies of any kind are dying.
I float between Connect and Boost. Both excellent.