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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Best not to overthink it - The sales clerk is trained to ask for this stuff.

    Luckily most times I encounter this I just tell them no I don’t have a phone number with them & continue checkout like normal. Sometimes that means not getting a sale price on something but usually I avoid those type of member-specific sales anyway.

    And worst case - Just make something up. At Best Buy a sales rep absolutely refused to sell me something from the mobile dept without my info. Which didn’t make sense because earlier I had bought something at that same Best Buy with a different rep & that rep took my order without my info no problem (she said she had to enter a phone number but just entered Best Buy’s).

    Yet this particular sales rep refused to proceed without info, so yeah he got an entire fictional name/address/phone/email on the spot.

  • I believe because any site that has an extension with more than four characters is detected as invalid.

    Usually it’s just badly coded apps/websites that only whitelisted some of the main domains e.g. most vanity domains don’t make it through. Or sometimes there are apps/websites that purposely block your domain if the admins think it’s too spammy or whatever.

    If your current email provider allows you to use their own domains as an alias that’s one way to sidestep the issue e.g. you’d end up with [something]@[youremailprovider].com --> [name]@[name].rocks

    I have Fastmail & they have a ton of their own internal domains so that’s one way I sidestep that issue. It’s pretty common among most/all email providers when you bring your own domain e.g. pretty sure Proton can do the same thing. Once you have your own domain you can make up any [alias]@[yourdomain] you like or just use the provider’s as a front facing alias [alias]@[youremailprovider] --> [anything]@[yourdomain].

  • I don’t think it’s possible, or at least not in the way you’re thinking. Encoding a video with lossless flags usually results in a file size bigger or about the same as the source, and on top of that it takes a long time to actually do the encode.

    Video is already highly compressed.

    But for sure you can tinker around with ffmpeg (FOSS) & see how it goes for you. I’ve done it in the past just for kicks since some of the common video codec encoders do have lossless flags but it really wasn’t worth the effort.

    EDIT: That’s just the video in the file, you also have to contend with the audio. That’s a bit easier if you just want to use ffmpeg to dump everything into FLAC but again, I don’t think you’re saving much hard drive space if any.

  • Jellyfin should work fine for what you’re looking for. I haven’t run it on a Pi but it should work on that. You’ll be able to play music using the web ui as well as mobile apps if that’s your thing. It can also transcode on the fly so if your current browser/device/whatever can’t play .flac directly it’ll automatically transcode the playback to .mp3 or whatever it needs to be.

    There are some other self hosted music/streaming projects you could take a look at that are much more built out for music playback specifically. Look into Airsonic-Advanced or Navidrome for example - I’ve been meaning to check them out myself but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

  • So, OP is downloading a torrent containing a sequential zip file?

    We’re in !jellyfin@lemmy.ml so OP is talking about downloading a media file (.mkv, .mp4, etc.). I don’t think Jellyfin can play .zip files (?) but could be wrong.

    So in the filesystem envision a .mkv movie file that exists but is only say 1% complete so maybe it is currently at 1 MB file size. This is a sequential download so it is downloading in order from beginning to end. Media players like Jellyfin, VLC, etc. can recognize and play this .mkv file, normally it’ll stop when it gets to the 1% data end which could be maybe 3 minutes of playback or whatever.

    The magic with a sequential download is that it is still downloading, in OP’s case the download is going faster than the media playback. So by the time Jellyfin finishes playing that first 1% of the file the torrent client maybe already downloaded an additional 10% so Jellyfin continues playing the file uninterrupted. Meanwhile the torrent client is still going, since the download rate is ahead of Jellyfin’s media playback that should mean that Jellyfin will eventually play the entire .mkv movie file uninterrupted from beginning to end.

    You can sequentially download .zip files as well, in that case it’ll just be this blob of data that starts at the beginning of the file data & goes through to the end. Not sure that is very useful to most people but if the sequential download grabbed the first/end pieces of the file maybe you can at least view the inside file listing of the .zip file before it finishes downloading, could be useful if you just want to preview it before the download completes?

    When I’m downloading .part zip files as part of one torrent, how can I go about continuing seeding but not having to have both the archives and the extracted files to save space? Is that even possible?

    Normally not possible, you need the untouched torrent data to exist to continue seeding.

    No experience with this but I’ve read that if you’re on Linux using a filesystem with FUSE you could sort of keep .zip files intact while still interacting with them, sort of like mounting the .zip files in the live OS. That might be more along the lines of what you’re after since you’ll be able to keep the .zip files untouched in that sense while still being able to use them elsewhere.

  • Same here, mobile check deposit and Zelle are literally the only things I’ve ever needed a bank app for.

    I used to never use Zelle for anything but too many friends/family want to use some sort of app for exchanging money & that’s usually what we settle on. And my old landlord wanted rent paid via Zelle so that was another thing that forced me to install a bank app for Zelle purposes.

    Mobile check deposit is a requirement when dealing with a bank without any locations nearby. In practice I only need to use that once a year or so, checks are kind of rare nowadays unless you’re a business owner with clients/customers paying with checks.

  • I have a 13 series chip, it had some reproducible crashing issues that so far have subsided by downclocking it.

    From the article:

    the company confirmed a patch is coming in mid-August that should address the “root cause” of exposure to elevated voltage. But if your 13th or 14th Gen Intel Core processor is already crashing, that patch apparently won’t fix it.

    Citing unnamed sources, Tom’s Hardware reports that any degradation of the processor is irreversible, and an Intel spokesperson did not deny that when we asked.

    If your CPU is already crashing then that’s it, game over. The upcoming patch cannot fix it. You’ve got to figure out if you can do a warranty replacement or continue to live with workarounds like you’re doing now.

    Their retail boxed CPUs usually have a 3(?) year warranty so for a 13th gen CPU you may be midway or at the tail end of that warranty period. If it’s OEM, etc. it could be a 1 year warranty aka Intel isn’t doing anything about it unless a class action suit forces them :/

    The whole situation sucks and honestly seems a bit crazy that Intel hasn’t already issued a recall or dealt with this earlier.

  • is there anything you would recommend?

    You’d need to donate via whatever means they accept donations, it’s not something you get to choose yourself. Unless you meant that you are going to keep contacting FOSS projects to ask them to set up new donation methods?

    Personally I donate via crypto or other means that they allow donations via credit card (Liberapay / Ko-Fi work well IMO) . No Paypal/Venmo since I can’t use those services - some FOSS projects I don’t donate at all if they only accept Paypal.

  • Nowadays I buy digital music (mostly via Bandcamp but there’s also HDTracks, Qobuz, etc.) & play the music that way. Can also stream my own music library if I want via Jellyfin or other applications.

    re: physical CDs, yes I’ve got a ton of those too from before you could buy digital music but have already ripped them. Haven’t had a need to touch the physical discs in years but still keep them in CD binders just in case.

    Also not sure if it matters but for me I’m always living in small apartments/rooms so I absolutely avoid collecting physical items, there’s just no space for that.

  • True, wouldn’t be too different vs just using a VPN. You’re choosing to trust the Tribler tech and the Tribler exit node operator vs choosing to trust the VPN provider. Granted most VPN connections are going to have much better performance vs anything Tribler related.

    There is a nice side effect of running an *arr stack against Tribler, even in 1 hop mode - Your Tribler node is much more easily pulling in new content into the Tribler network for other users to access afterwards without needing an exit node. Ideally it’s just one Tribler node/user needing to pull data through the exit nodes while the rest would just pull it from you and share with other nodes in-network.

    Torrents over I2P work the same way. If the torrent data isn’t found within I2P and you have outproxies configured you could pull torrents from the clearnet & afterwards other I2P users just share amongst the I2P network.

  • That’s pretty cool, thanks for sharing! Been a while since I tried it out but last I looked Tribler’s own automation features were quite lacking so something like this helps a lot.

    I was not able to download anything with more than 1 hops in between - ie it does hide your real IP address, but only uses one relay in between.

    Hmm I don’t think there’s any relays at all in that configuration, unless you’re counting the exit node itself?


    One thing to keep in mind is that to download torrents from outside Tribler’s own network you would need to download through an exit node… not sure on the exact stats but last I tested exit nodes were only like 5-10% of the Tribler user base. For a while I tried volunteering my own VPN connection as an exit node for Tribler just to see how it went but the Tribler client kept locking up/crashing after a few days so the experiment did not go well… hopefully works better nowadays.

  • Brickfrog@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldCustom Domain Email
    6 months ago

    If you’re using Google Workspace, Google will give you the appropriate DMARC, DKIM and SPF records to add to your DNS. The NS themselves should resolve the records and provide the recipient server with the values you’ve entered, thereby ensuring delivery.

    Sure. But why would that matter when you’re dealing with hostile 3rd party email providers that intentionally want to blackhole all email domains at Namecheap? But yes, just to clarify I do configure DMARC/DKIM/SPF and that works great for most cases.

    I’m just describing what worked for me though in truth I don’t know exactly how these hostile email providers actually determine the domain is hosted at Namecheap. My hunch is that they are using a lookup & finding the nameserver for the domain & have already blacklisted Namecheap’s default free nameserver IP addresses. For whatever reason those same hostile email providers don’t seem to be blacklisting Namecheap’s paid nameserver but I think that sort of makes sense…

    The larger issue is that Namecheap is known for cheap domains that scammers/spammers tend to buy in bulk & then use to spam with. Those same scammers/spammers aren’t trying to spend extra money so they only ever use the default free Namecheap nameservers.

  • Brickfrog@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldCustom Domain Email
    6 months ago

    If you use Namecheap for email domain(s) you may want to consider also splurging for their PremiumDNS to keep your domain(s) off spam blocks at other email providers.

    I help maintain some emails at Gmail/Google Workspace but the domains themselves are at Namecheap. For a while there were complaints that some emails never landed in other people’s inboxes… this led me to talk about the issue with one of the email provider recipients based in the UK & apparently they were null routing anything coming from Namecheap since they felt a lot of spam came from them. But after some experimenting I figured out their system (& probably others) were figuring out they were Namecheap domains via the default FreeDNS they use. On a hunch I switched those domains over to PremiumDNS and after that all our emails were landing in other inboxes correctly. I guess maybe it makes sense, a typical spammer buying a cheap domain at Namecheap isn’t going to splurge for the higher end DNS service for it.

    I’m not saying all email providers treat Namecheap domains as spam but just be warned there definitely ones out there that do.