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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • It’s a demographic issue. They (Japanase diaper producers) started making more money on adult diapers last year or so because of the change in demographics.

    The market for diapers is unusual local. Partly because every country has local producers and partly due to local customs, tradition, legislation, standards and cost of living. It varies a lot by country and once you’ve found one brand that works, then you’re set for the duration of when you need them.

    For babies that’s two years or so. No blame for anyone having to use them longer or whatever, but from a business point of view, it’s a two year customer relationship. This short period is very influenced by getting informed by other parents, because there simply isn’t time to try out every possible brand. Time is one thing, but also not wanting to change from what works, and just not taking chances.

    Adult diapers are different in that regard. It might still be local quality pricing and trustworthyness, but the duration of the customer relationship is 10-20 years or more. The customer base is smaller but they’ll use them for longer.

    It would theoretically be a good business to make a good quality diaper for adults and ship them worldwide at a good price, but it’ll be difficult to breach the market as a newcomer, because consumers aren’t really going to take chances on this issue, so they’ll rather buy a locally renowned brand.

    Japan is (one of the) first countries to break this point. It is also happening elsewhere, but it’s difficult to know for sure, because it is only visible in the figures from local manufacturers who make both products, or by comparing wildly different segments using different products.

    Anyway… I just find it interesting from a business and demographic perspective, because the product used to avoid shitting your pants is different from other kind of products in that regard.

  • I recognise the waste in waiting time, but I also think we are still increasing productivity more than enough to make up for it.

    Personally I solve it by multitasking harder. Whenever there is a waiting time for a download or other stuff I simply start doing something else. I’m not going to waste my life watching loading bars for a living.

    I don’t think increasing user-friendlyness is a good solution. It’s pretty much what caused the issues to begin with. Every time Windows or the apps make something more user-friendly it always results in more buttons to click and more updates to keep up.

    I also spend an unreasonable amount of time just rearranging the windows in comparison to back when apps had keyboard-only GUIs with functions layered in different pages or tabs. I obviously don’t think that is a good solution today either, but it goes to show that the bloated operating system has a lot of the blame.

    Say you want to do something simple like renaming a file, you’ll need to open an app to show the folders and files and also 100 different functions that are of no use for the specific task, position and scroll it where it’s visible, navigate by mouse or keyboard and then do whatever you wanted. My point is that just operating the operation system is something that requires 10s of seconds over and over again every day. There’s a long way from thought to execution for the simplest task.

    The good thing is that it enables a lot of people to do so without any training at all, so maybe that makes up for it in total.

  • I only played the original. I didn’t really like it at first, thinking that the augmentation and mod stuff was needlessly complicated for this kind of game. Also the graphics weren’t all that great in comparison to other games using the same engine. There were a lot of attention to details in comparison to other games so I gave it a chance. The turning point came after completing the first part of the story and getting hooked. The story really carried the game and touches on some interesting topics.

    A game with a similar feel would be Omikron: The Nomad Soul. It was released the year before Deus Ex, has worse controls and graphics, but the story and setting is somewhat similar.

  • I’ve seen the same kind of visualization made from different sources before showing the same point. There is really nothing shocking or unbelievable in the picture?

    It’s fine to be sceptical because it is an estimate. However it is a qualified estimate. Read more from the source: https://www.prb.org/articles/how-many-people-have-ever-lived-on-earth/

    If you have a better way of estimating the figure, I’m sure they would be all ears.

    I do remember reading school books and science articles 30-40 years ago and the estimates then were different, but that’s just how science works.

    Again it’s fine to be sceptical, but unless you can provide an alternative figure with better documentation, I really don’t understand why you’re encouraging people to be sceptical.

    It’s almost as if you seem to have different motive, so I have decided to doubt your scepticism.

  • No. It doesn’t work like that at all.

    You might as well turn up the volume knob to gain back the lost amplitude. That will maintain the mix that you just set to your liking. Just set it as you like it.

    However, if you do boost the frequencies a lot so the signal starts clipping, then it begins to make sense to adjust the faders in relation to each other until it stops clipping and still have the “shape” that you like, and then use the volume knob afterwards again.

    For instance, if you like a lot of bass and turn up the bass, then it’ll likely clip. It might be better to turn everything else but the bass down and then boost the volume.

    This is mostly an issue for the bass area. Our hearing is (logarithmically) less sensitive to low frequencies, so in order to turn up the bass we have to make it much louder than if we want to turn up the treble. The bass easily takes up the entire “headroom” available in the signal, resulting in clipping before it is amplified. The rule of thumb is that cutting is better than boosting.

    Anyway, unless you’re compensating for a bad speaker or similar, it’s generally best to leave the EQ alone. Professionally produced music is already mastered to utilise the entire frequency spectrum in a balanced way so that it can be safely turned up without having certain frequencies dominate the output or to turn it down without losing the details.

    Using an EQ post production is somewhat like salting a gourmet meal. Chances are that it’s making it worse unless you know why you’re doing it.

    Obviously you can listen to music however you want, but please pay attention to what happens when you turn up the volume. It’s likely that you’ll want to use less EQ as the volume goes up.

  • Stupid thing is that it’s locally so cold that I had to turn the heat back on last week after having it off for two months. Just a few weeks back I had to bring the fans down from the attic to stay cool. Shit is just weird. This summer is going to be fucked. There’s also not the usual pollen or insects.

    Anyway, if you’re interested in visiting Denmark as a tourist, I can currently only recommend mid May or early September. The remaining 47 weeks of the year are “normal” 10°c and windy rain regardless of seasons.