I mostly read things here. Sometimes I’ll write a thing. Outside of Lemmy, I read things. Sometimes I’ll write a thing. Like software documentation. Or maybe something else. Who knows what the day will bring.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Eochaid@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldStarfield has some beautiful landscapes!
    1 year ago

    Right, because the people who are paid to review the full game over hundreds of hours and have spent, in many cases, years, analyzing their biases and determining the right way to construct objective criticsm and have peer review editors to check their work…

    Nah. Randos on the internet who have tendancy to form circlejerks for fake internet points and for minor doses of dopamine and who may or may not have even completed even a tiny portion of the game - that’s what I need to make an informed decision.

    EDIT Lol at the coward downvotes with no replies. You know I’m right, you just don’t want to admit it.

  • I don’t think anybody is shitting on anyone It’s a public forum and we’re all allowed to say what we think How shallow would the discourse be if we were limited to only talking about things positively?

    It doesn’t matter what you think. Try posting something positive about starfield - even in the Starfield community. You will get shat on. A lot.

    The problem isn’t that negativity doesn’t have a space, its that positivity doesn’t have a space. If someone posts something positive and gets shit on, they’re going to be less likely to post positive things in the future. Or react to negativity with their own positivity. That’s how psychology works. We do a thing and get a shock, we’ll be less likely to do it again.

    But more importantly, a lot of negative nancies on the internet love to defend yukking on other’s yums with lofty goals around “discourse” and “free speech”. But they seem to forget that’s not how the real world or human psychology works. This post isn’t looking for “discourse”. OP is just saying " wow this game has cool vistas" maybe hoping for some stories or reinforcement or fun conversations with other fans and you all are responding with “game sucks”. What is this “discourse” supposed to accomplish other than, at best piss off OP, and at worst tear down his enjoyment of the game.

    I mean think about it. What if someone were showing off a coat they brought and like with some randos, and you waltz in and are like “that coat’s fucking ugly and you should feel bad about buying it.” What kind of discourse would you expect other than “the hell? Who asked you? Fuck off”.

    Sure, we’re all entitled to post and reply what we want, but it won’t stop us from calling you an asshole. You want to shit on a game? Go for it, there’s plenty of hate circlejerks you can join in on.

  • Eochaid@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldBaseball Quiz
    1 year ago

    Lol I’m unhinged? The fuck is this shit, bro?

    You need to step away from the internet and rethink your life choices. Your behavior is not healthy and you clearly have mental health issues that you desperately need to get looked into.

    Let’s me clear - the “sexual conduct in front of minors” was literally this, as far as I can tell:

    1. In a theater that happens to have minors in the audience
    2. Boyfriend grabs her boob
    3. She grabs his crotch.

    First of all, no one gives a shit about #2 enough to call out his behavior. Wierd. Second of all, if you’ve never play grabbed in a dark movie theater with your SO, I feel bad for your relationships. Third, it’s not like she whipped his dick out and started rubbing her snatch in the seat.

    Was it inappropriate and trashy? Absolutely. Is she a sexual predator or a deviant because of it? No, chill the fuck out dude. Calling her sex life unhealthy is a huge stretch. And the fact that no one is calling the guy a sexual deviant is a little suss.

  • Eochaid@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldBaseball Quiz
    1 year ago

    Speaking of dipshit, read my fucking comment before responding.

    I’m not defending her behavior in the theater. She was being a nuisance and had every right to be kicked out.

    But this meme isn’t making fun of her for being a nuisance. Or of inappropriate sexual conduct in front of minors. Or vaping in a crowded theater.

    This meme is making fun of a woman for having a sex life.

  • Eochaid@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldBaseball Quiz
    1 year ago

    Right, I forgot I was talking to “PM_ME_FEET_PICS”, a paragon of morality.

    I’m not defending her behavior in the theater. She was being a nuisance and had every right to be kicked out.

    But this meme isn’t making fun of her for being a nuisance. Or of inappropriate sexual conduct in front of minors. Or vaping in a crowded theater.

    This meme is making fun of a woman for having a sex life. And that’s fucking gross, no matter who the target is. “How many balls to chin did she take?” Does it fucking matter? Do we need a bj limit for elected officials? Who fucking cares? Yeah, she’s a hypocrite and that needs to be called out, but the critique can’t just stop at “oooh she gives bjs”.

    Kennedy took a lot of vag to the face and no one bats an eye. Clinton got a bj in the white house and Monica Lewinsky got the most hate for it. This practice of shaming women for being sexual is gross and stupid and incel-level masogyny that needs to fucking stop.

  • Did I say I was defending MS’ restrictions on Edge? No. I think it’s dumb, but not for the reason you think.

    MS prevents you from uninstalling edge because for some stupid reason a bunch of system processes and their store all require and use edge as a dependency. Removing edge would actually break a lot of things in windows. Is it stupid? Absolutely. But the reason they don’t want to do that is because MS implements a lot of restrictions like this to prevent their end users from breaking windows with stupid mistakes.

    But this meme isn’t about allowing people to removing edge. Its trying to flex on the capabilities of linux vs. windows but using the laziest smooth brained way to do that. There are a lot of benefits to linux over windows. But the ability to sudo fuck your bootloader isn’t one of them.

  • The movies did Faramir dirty.

    In the books, he immediately rejects the temptation of the ring after Frodo tells him of Boromir’s temptation, saying that a thing of the dark lord should not be used - thus proving how much stronger and wiser he was than his brother.

    Faramir is one of my favorite characters in the books - a black sheep that represents hope for humanity after a book and a half of being shown humanity’s failures. And he’s such a badass in RotK

    Peter Jackson weakened his character because of pacing and because he didn’t understand that stories need occasional bright spots of hope and it’s of the greatest sins of the movies IMO. Which is even more rediculous when you realize that Tolkien based the character on himself.

  • First of all, 99% of YouTube videos are there to drum up controversy and provide an “uneducated” reaction to get clicks. You have to dig to find an unbiased and educated perspective, especially for ergo stuff, on YouTube.

    That said, we have two types of content about ergo keyboards: uneducated inpatient crap like this and reviews targeted towards existing ergo keyboard fans.

    What we need is a midde ground. Ergo stuff takes a lot of time and patience to get used to. Plus, most ergo stuff is highly configurable, which can be both a double edged sword anf overwhelming. We need less content convincing existing ergo fans to buy new ergo gearb and more content to help the ergo curious and newbies fully transition into ergo fans.

  • Um…pretty sure Deanna Troi was the one giving therapy to Jean-Luc. And she saw some shit during that voyage. Seriously, she needs her own counselor.

    I think it’s implied that DS9 had multiple counselors but they just aren’t bridge-level personel. Ezri later becomes the most prominent counsellor but we also see O’Brien going to therapy with Telnorri, so it’s implied the station does have dedicated mental health staff.

    I would say that technically should give DS9 the upper hand, but Miles’ experiences with Telnorri aren’t exactly great and it does seem like DS9 is always given the bare minimum by Starfleet.

  • 1& 2: These are the kinds of things that appeal to people with OCD and enthusiasts with more time than work to do. And for the former, more customization can be destructive to productivity. Most people just want to sit down and either get work done or get their game open - not sit for hours customizing the interface.

    I rarely ever use my taskbar and start menu on Windows because I can hit the start key and type to find the thing I want. Linux can do that too, but you’re focusing instead on finnicky customization. Most people have a cluttered desktop for a reason - nobody cares or has the time to properly organize their shit. I would suggest focusing on the real performance and productivity benefits of Linux.

    3: The only people that care about telemetry are those that already hate Microsoft and already use Linux. Most Windows users couldn’t give two shits that Microsoft uses their anomymized usage data to fix bugs and evaluate feature adoption. Also, the only way to avoid telemetry is if the only servers you ever access are in your basement.

    4: I agree that Windows is really obnoxious about the bullshit they’re putting on even base Windows install, but it takes me like 5 minutes to go through add/remove programs. You know what takes me longer than 5 minutes? Getting any non-standard hardware working on Linux, and even some software, and often because the base OS is missing something or has some box unchecked because a FOSS enthusiast has opinions.

    5: Not enough people are aware of the fantastic set of freeware MS makes called PowerToys. PowerRenamer actually handles this gap for me. I feel like it should be included with windows but alas, some people would probably consider it “bloatware”.

    6: MS certainly has issues in this regard, but I’m curious to know how Linux Mint actually faires. Consumer-focused distros tend to benefit from their low adoption rate and don’t get hammered by attacks like Windows and RHEL derivatives do. But I’ll freely agree that most Linux distros tend to be more secure by default. That said, does it really matter to the average Windows user? No it doesn’t. Because the biggest security issue for both Windows and Linux is actually the user - not an OS flaw. Even a default Windows environment is normally secure enough for most users.