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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • It’s a series where a dragon kidnaps a princess, and a plumber from New York must save her. To do so, he must gather mushrooms by hitting bricks while jumping with his fist, jump on turtles to make them hide in their shell, and dodge fire breathing plants.

    In the most recent 2d incarnation, the fire breathing plants will sing at you.

    The people who made this were on a lot of drugs.

  • I am absolutely certain that experts have looked at it, and come to different conclusions.

    I’ll even go as far as to accept that there is no scientific consensus.

    And what reference do you have for that? A recent one, because as I said, the economics have totally changed in the last 30 years.

    Nuclear power doesn’t really produce co2

    Concrete does. Reactors need a lot of concrete. A lot.

    Renewables are still not ready to deal with base load in a power grid long term

    Which doesn’t matter. Base load exists because it’s cheap to make power plants that stay at the same level all the time. The economics of that don’t apply to renewables.

    Nothing, nuclear power will buy us time

    Utterly untrue. It’ll take 10 years to deploy a single new GW of nuclear. That’s not buying time.

  • As an example, Klipper (for running 3d printers) can update its configuration file directly when doing certain automatic calibration processes. The z-offset for between a BLtouch bed sensor and the head, for example. If you were to save it, you might end up with something like this:

    z_offset: 3.020
    #*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ---------------------->
    #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated.
    z_offset: 2.950

    Thus overriding the value that had been set before, but now you have two entries for the same thing. (IIRC, Klipper does comment out the original value, as well.)

    What I’d want is an interface where you can modify in place without these silly save blocks. For example:

    let conf = get_config()
    conf.set( 'bltouch.z_offset', 2.950 )
    conf.add_comment_after( 'bltouch.z_offset', 'Automatically generated' )

    Since we’re declaratively telling the library what to modify, it can maintain the AST of the original with whitespace and comments. Only the new value changes when it’s written out again, with a comment for that specific line.

    Binary config formats, like the Windows Registry, almost have to use an interface like this. It’s their one advantage over text file configs, but it doesn’t have to be. We’re just too lazy to bother.