You can rewatch Requiem for a Dream!?
You can rewatch Requiem for a Dream!?
To pay tribute to the late director, David Lynch, I finally got around to watching Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, and The Straight Story.
The Straight Story was an homage to the American Midwest, and despite being as slow as the protagonists method of transportation, kept my interest throughout.
Mulholland Drive had some brilliant acting, some amazing scenes, and really left a lasting impact on me. Most notably, I was left saying “WTF?”
While Blue Velvet is like a crime drama with Camp turned up to 11. Had some great scenes, and was interesting, but some of the acting choices and dialogue were bewildering to me. (“It’s time to FUCK! Let’s FUCK!” comes to mind lol)
Just watched the directors cut of Kingdom of Heaven, and dang, what a film!
Mine isn’t particularly exotic, merely a feral cat. She seemed friendly, so I started leaving some water out, and giving her some food, with the intention of adopting her. Then, she had a litter of kittens under my porch. 5 of them. So I started leaving a bit more food out. In a couple days, 2 more kittens joined them (with no sign of the parents). I thought they were cute, but despite wanting to adopt the original mamma cat, I was not prepared to take in 8 freaking cats.
Then I learned that they had found a small hole in the outer wall of my house, which lead to the underside of the home. A small opening only the kittens could squeeze in and out of. I thought it was cute and allowed it because, how much harm could they do? and it seemed like a nice little protective place for them to hide from the neighborhood dogs that I’ve seen wandering around my yard.
Well then I discovered that another opening to the underside of my house, this time large enough for an adult cat to get through. Still, I was unbothered. It was during the winter, and having the mamma cat there seemed downright reasonable. I continued to feed them everyday, and provide a gravity fed watering dish.
But as spring came, so did the smell. At first I thought the smell was emanating purely from them pooping near my house, so I found out where they had been doing it, and blocked the sandy ground so that it was inaccessible. Next I decided to block the large opening to the underside of my house, and in so doing, discovered the true source of the smell. Not only had they been seeking refuge under my home, but they had torn down a sizable portion of the insulation, and shat absolutely.EVERYWHERE. (in the process of poking around the giant litterbox that is the underside of my house, I got a nice sinus infection as their parting gift)
I decided to open it up, and put a box fan down there, hoping that airflow would diminish the smell, but oh, dear reader, it just made it worse. The lack of insulation combined with the airflow meant I was pushing a massive amount of the smell directly into my living quarters. I opened every window in the house trying to rid myself of the smell, which barely receded.
I’ve since ordered a large amount of enzymatic cleaner, so soon I’ll be donning a rain jacket, work pants, head lamp, mask, and goggles, and attempting to clean the giant litter box they’ve made of my crawlspace. I’ve stopped feeding them, and will be applying “cat mace” to their usual areas of lingering. After a few days of not feeding, I think I can coax them into a giant cardboard box with some tuna, close it up, and get them to a stray shelter 30-40 miles away.
Until then, I’ve different scented candles in each room invaded by their pungent detritus. The smell of them has driven me half mad, while their incessant mewing and my sinus infection seems to be taking me the rest of the way.
Wish me luck. May god have mercy on me.
Ukraine would have to cede territory and reject Nato membership in order to reach a deal.
wow so exactly what putin wants. what a fucking moron.
“If one side will just bow their head and give in to all the other sides demands we’ll surely reach a deal!” fucking dipshits. art of the deal my ass.
Adding to OPs note:
In Makt Myrkranna, Dracula comes to England not alone, but rather with a deaf-dumb woman who is apparently his slave and together with another beautiful aristocratic female vampire, Josephine, who flaunts her sexuality.[20] Josephine is described as having her “neck and upper chest revealed” while wearing a “necklace of glittering diamonds”, whom Harker finds “something indecent” about, despite his evident attraction to her.
Between this and the asteroid scheduled to (maybe) hit Earth in 2032, I’m beginning to think that we’re in for a rough time.
I hate these LLMs but must admit that’s a damn fine synopsis
Nah. I don’t really care unless my team (Steelers) is playing in it. Though, I will watch Kendricks halftime show performance afterwards, hoping that he decides to give a big “Fuck you” to drumpf, while ignoring drake entirely (the ultimate diss). But today is Leg day, and thou shalt keep holy the day of Legs, so I’ll probably catch some while it plays at the gym.
Hopefully the eagles win, so they can snub drumpf like they did last time. The chiefs would probably accept the invitation to the white house and be all giddy about it 🙄
the graphics seem worse somehow
jesus fucking christ
Joss Whedon is problematic, but dang he made some good TV. There’s a reason Firefly got a movie after not getting picked up (Serenity, it’s also great), and a reason it still has a devoted following to this day.
…But oh man that opening song… lol
The harry potter movies were not good. Daniel Radcliff, however good of an actor he is now, back then, wasn’t. he literally ruined those movies.
Social media is the devil. I have Lemmy and that’s enough
I’ve yet to watch Schindler List. I feel like it’s signing up for feeling bad for 2 hours 😕
I’m also big into Sci-fi, and have yet to watch the OG Star Treks, Stargate, Babylon 5, or Dr. Who
finally got around to finishing that, it was pretty good, my only beef was
whatever the hell Starbuck was after she came back? Also, they introduced the concept of cylons ‘casting’ visions, but evidently that wasn’t what Gaius was experiencing? then what was it? Seemed like they were pushing the idea of christianity in a freaking science fiction show, and it completely turned me off the last season.
Honestly it’s never been too bad for me.
except that time it randomly turned on my microphone during a meeting, when I was casually chatting to my brother about the beneficial value of replacing antidepressants with a microdose of shrooms 😬
or when it wants to open docs in Teams instead of opening it in the actual program. It always opens so slow, just so I can close it.
or when it tried to force its update on me, and took me from black background to white, and suddenly the background matched my rage; white hot and seething
could always root and rom it, or whatever that means. My tech-inclined friend said it would fix any bloatware, but I’ve always just ignored the features I don’t want and it’s cool
keep track.
I’ll be submitting weekly sourced round-ups of all the bullshit for everyone in the future to reference
Artistically, I’d say:
For Epics, I’d say:
For Comedies:
Super Hero Movies:
Honorable Mention:
(I’m sorry, I love movies)