• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • PSA

    If you have been sexually assaulted or abused by someone, please tell somebody. Preferably the police, but if not them then tell someone else that you trust. I know this is a huge ask. I know you want to completely erase it from your memory. I know that doing this means unleashing a shit storm that you can never undo. I know it’s going to dredge up all kinds of pain. I know it might permanently reshape your life. I know it’s going to be incredibly hard. It’s probably going to take courage that you’re not even sure you have.

    The reason I’m asking you to do this is because there’s a really good chance that the person who did this to you has done it before or will do it again. YOU may be the only thing standing between the perpetrator and their next victim. The fact that it happened to you is terrible and I’m so sorry for that. But you have the power to help make sure what happened to you doesn’t happen to anyone else. So please tell someone because you might very well be the hero, that you needed, for someone else. There are few things in life more honorable than that.

  • Many years ago, there was a televised interview with Saddam Hussein. I don’t remember which TV network it was on but it was a pretty big deal. This was early 2000’s before the US invasion of Iraq. I think the translator referred to then President Bush as “Bush”. Saddam didn’t understand a lot of English but he understood that. He interrupts the translator mid-sentence to inform him that what he should have said was “Mr. Bush”, with a sort of tone that felt like he did not appreciate being misquoted.

    I don’t know if that dude even realized how close he probably came to being strangled to death with a microphone cord.

  • Meanwhile my cat:

    “Hey. Heeyyyy. Heeeeeeyyyy! Hey slave, where’s my food? Where’s my food slave? Do you not know wtf time it is?? We do this every day. Are you fucking dense? Stupid slave. ‘WeLl YoUrE tHiRtY FiVe MiNuTeS EaRlY’. DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT!? You should just know! I’m gonna be here eventually. You know this. So why is my food not ready and waiting for me the moment I arrive? Slaavvvveee. Are you listening to me?? Where is my food you useless twat!?”