• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • over 30. I personally prefer more serious discussion because I’m a dork. I’m not into most sports, jokes, video games or other whimsical stuff. I like some of that stuff IRL, but I consider the internet primarily of use for deeper discussion of topics that most people might not necessarily have an interest in. Like NASAs nuclear powered project Orion spacecraft in the 1960s.

    Peoples eyes normally glaze over when I talk about that stuff offline, but there are billions online, and usually someone else finds that niche stuff as interesting as me.

    It would be nice if you could select which topics interest you rather than having to block every community that does not.

  • It is highly likely that exactly zero Russias nukes work. Nuclear maintenance is extremely expensive, and there is a zero percent chance that corruption that we witnessed in tank maintenance and other areas of their military did not spread to their nuclear program. It has also been 34 years since they successful a launched a nuke.

    Russia as a country has never launched a nuke (USSR did) so it’s seriously debatable if they even have the capability.

    And I’m not advocating for war, but Russia needs to have consequences for their actions, and the world needs to respond resolutely and immediately before this gets any worse.

  • You joke but Lemmy is at the same point as Reddit was when they first started. Reddit just IPO’d at 34/share, up to 68 now. 12 billion USD valuation.

    I think Lemmy has a lot more potential than most people think it does… The idea is laughable, but so was $12 billion reddit in 2008 . Not in monetary terms, but in how information could be communicated throughout the world in 20 years.

  • ok like 90% of Lemmy uses Linux. We know we all use linux, so when someone comes along and says something like “Windoze sucks, you should install Linux and free the penguin”, 90% of your downvotes are coming from those Linux users who are facepalming at the futility.

    It’s like walking into a bar and yelling at the top of your lungs that everyone there should try alcohol, that it’s way better than water.

  • I never said the bill was perfect. It is a good first step. Ideally all social media should be held accountable, but they are the ones who make political donations, so the chances of major overhaul are not all that great.

    They want to ban Chinese ownership of the company because it’s politically popular, but it does also have merit. China can and will exert it’s influence to it’s advantage.

    Tiktok might be a good service right now (…debatable) but it’s threat comes from being able to push China’s authoritarian agenda.

    And insults have no place in reasonable discussion. Who’s mind are you going to change by calling them insane?