You think that about math not being localized too?
You think that about math not being localized too?
Brazil had an Onion clone that published satirical news, when the news were actually funnier than their version, they would just go and publish the real news.
Too bad it went bankrupt during the Bolsonaro’s government.
The EU has some negotiations going badly on finding 100k people to keep permanently stationed in Ukraine from now on. And it’s not even a failure, it’s just that some people disagree… what never happens on the EU…
Way to turn a non-news into the weirdest false fact you can get.
not without russias complete collapse at least
How far can that be anyway?
I have to say, mirroring that image improved it greatly.
Well, some times Ukraine is on the way.
That “most likely no one is bothered” part is correct, though.
Mint fixes a lot of the problems with Ubuntu.
It will still break given enough time. But in my experience, it mostly works when recently installed. (I still don’t use it, but it’s better.)
Linux is clearly inferior to Linux. Have you tried Linux? It beats Linux in every single dimension!
Honestly, it has been working perfectly fine to me for a couple of decades. With games and everything. But that’s not the same Linux that everybody uses. Each person that installs it lives in a different universe from everybody else.
But anyway, if we could just stop the Ubuntu propaganda and avoid people starting with that piece of shit, a lot of the problems would disappear.
If they are Perl regexes, like all regexes are supposed to be, you can have non-semantic whitespace and comments.
But if you are using some system that enforces something different, you are out of luck.
who will keep the shipping lanes free of piracy?
You know the US isn’t patrolling the shipping lanes they don’t use right?
Also, no, they never managed to keep the shipping lanes free of piracy.
Of course. The name written on the map is what was keeping that huge inflation there on the US at 2%/y.
Hum… Did they change the name of the North-America’s South-West like the Mexico president requested too?
They have clear rules for contested areas… that they follow in an as clear way as their user support rules.
Well, if you find it, please tell :)
It’s a clear Microsoft paradox: is the support person right, or did Teams do something reasonable?
You know, last time I’ve reached the MS forum, there was a support person there answering “No, there’s no way to disable the Teams pop-up that appears over your shared screen when you mute the microphone. Lots of people ask the same question, and the developers have no plans of changing this”.
The answer was complete, helpful, and completely out of the normal for the forum. The only thing more out of character would be if Teams actually had an option to make it work as any sane person would expect, but then, this is not on the forum people.
When every market is a monopoly or a well consolidated oligopoly, you start to get that kind of issue.
Governments are the ones that actively created that one monopoly, if they just stopped maintaining it, it would simply disappear.
You do one of those to maintain you society civilized, and the other to make your society civilized.
The language is entirely in English. Only the comments and values are in Portuguese.