It’s not wrong at all IMO, and even expected, I’d say. I wouldn’t have cc’ed him on the emails with the hiring manager though since his involvement ends with getting their contact info unless he’s part of HR.
It’s not wrong at all IMO, and even expected, I’d say. I wouldn’t have cc’ed him on the emails with the hiring manager though since his involvement ends with getting their contact info unless he’s part of HR.
I guess my only question for you would be… Why did you stop doing the two hobbies you enjoyed? You called them addictions; were they interfering with your ability to work and get necessary chores/tasks done? Or were you only doing them in your free time?
If it’s the former, then good on you for the self control! If it’s the latter, I’d honestly just be confused as to why you gave up what you love doing and would just encourage you to stop punishing yourself.
Yes, full support from me. Multiple localized tests of UBI have been shown to drastically improved people’s lives. I think there are multiple other measures that would need to be put in place too in order to help minimize corporations just obliterating it’s usefulness by raising prices.
I’m not as informed as I’d like to be, but my understanding is that things like VAT taxes can help get around online retailers like Amazon dodging taxes, as well as CEO to base worker pay ratio caps to ensure the people in a company that are actually producing the profits get rewarded for doing so. The CEOs could keep giving themselves raises, but it would come with the requirement of actually giving everyone in the company a raise too, which, quite frankly, is what should happen when your employees do a good enough job to bring in record profits.
My understanding is that Alaska already has something similar in nature to a UBI where every citizen gets a dividend from the state each year based on taxes collected from certain businesses. This is a dim recollection from me and I am probably completely mistating how it works/where the money comes from.
That Linux command line book is really, really good. I love how it actually explains the commands and why to use them instead of just being a copy of each commands help document or something.
Congrats on ditching Windows!
I clicked into the post expecting more text and then realized that was the joke.
Congrats OP, I am both upset and entertained!