• 4 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2023


  • I imagine that you’re sitting at home by your computer, minding your business and following various rabbit holes on the internet until you hear tapping on the window right next to you. “WTF” you think as you turn around to see what’s going on.

    You look out the window, perplexed, unable to form complete sentences as you gaze upon a stray sex worker, cold and wet (from the rain, obviously). Will you invite her in and offer her a towel? Do you feed her? What do you tell your significant other? “Hey, I rescued this stray sex worker. She can stay with us for a while, right?”

  • I never had tap water in the US that didn’t. No wonder why bottled water is so popular there. I’m sure they have better water in more mountainous states, but TX, LA, MS and AL tastes like chlorinated swamp.

    Most of my life I’ve lived in places where the tap water comes from natural lakes in nearby mountains, with bird poop as the only additive. I therefore notice the chlorine very easily, to the point where my coworkers claim they don’t notice it at all.

  • Holiday Inn Express is the most miserable breakfast I’ve ever had in a hotel. The selection was basically lard with sugar on it, and whatever drink you chose tasted of chlorine.

    I’m normally not much of a breakfast person, but work had booked me in at HIE once, and as I had a long day ahead I had to force myself to eat something. And the selection available didn’t exactly make it easier.

    After that I always make sure to book the hotel myself. I’m not that picky in terms of hotel, as long as the eatery is decent.

  • Same. I have a general rule that I don’t pre-order. I also tend to wait for reviews to come in. This is because I’ve been burned in the past. I made exceptions to this for CP2077 and KSP2, and we all know how those went.

    So what used to be more like general guidelines for myself have now become strict rules.

    But Factorio has earned an exception. They’ve proven time and time again that the game is a product of passion and not (primarily, at least) profits. This has been clearly visible since I first bought it during early access in 2016 or thereabouts.

    So its expansion will be instabuy for me. The game has simply given me so many hours of entertainment that one could argue that if anything, at least I will now have paid full price for the game I already have (I don’t remember what I paid for Factorio, but it was dirt cheap).