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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The reason this doesn’t make sense to me is 5G will always have a much higher latency than any wired alternative

    Not true. Really crappy wired solutions (because the provider’s network is poorly maintained, or poorly designed) can easily be worse than a wireless solution. However for the sake of argument, lets assume that both the wired and wireless provider both have well designed and maintained systems.

    A wired solution can absolutely have lower latency, but what latency are you okay with and are you willing to pay for much lower latency that you don’t need? Consider the following scenario:

    • wired provider latency = 20ms at a cost of $100/month
    • wireless 5G provider latency = 40ms at a cost of $35/month

    Assuming equal bandwidth would it be worth it to you to pay $65 extra dollars per month for 10ms less latency? How many consumers do you think care that much that are only streaming netflix, checking email, playing phone based mobile games? Those are real example costs from my area. If you are a Verizon cell phone customer can get from 100Mbs to 300Mbs at about 40ms latency for $35/month.

    — it really only makes sense to sell this stuff in rural areas without the infrastructure. What’s more is the most recent carrier has a reputation for extraordinary coverage but their network is CDMA so their network speed is one of the worst in the city.

    We’re talking 5g here. It would be a really bad solution for rural areas. 5g is fast, but because of the broadcast frequencies the signal doesn’t travel very far. Thats why you see so many more smaller 5g towers than tall 4g. A single 5g tower in a dense urban area can serve hundreds of customers, where that same tower in rural may serve 10 or less because the distance to customers is so much larger.

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to sell this stuff elsewhere?

    Nope, cities are the perfect market for 5g home internet. Zero wiring costs in high density urban residential spaces especially where incumbent wired providers have been abusing their customers for decades means customers are open to alternatives, especially at lower prices with better customer service.

  • We do have good old fashioned evil villains. They’re us.

    We’re the ones destroying the world, killing wildlife, and enslaving the innocent. We’re not doing it with a space aged death ray, but by emitting carbon where we don’t need. We’re not putting chains on the people living down the block and selling them into slavery, but we are supporting slavery when we buy T-shirts made of cotton from Xinjiang whose culture and religion are slowing being erased.

    Classic comic book villains look pretty shallow and vanilla when you learn what we’re doing thats far worse.

  • Two important points raised:

    • Why is Linksys sending your Wifi details, as well as your private password, outside of your home
    • If they’re doing it, why are they sending your critically important private information unencrypted onto the public internet

    The answer to the first one may be semi-legit as these are mesh products. As in, the other nodes in the mesh will need this information, and it appears that Linksys has decided to store your security data in AWS for the other mesh nodes to retrieve it when you’re setting it up. I’d sure as hell like to know this before the product does this. Further, I’d much prefer to simply attached to each mesh node myself to input the secured credentials instead of sending them outside to the internet.

    There’s not excuse for Linksys sending the creds unencrypted onto the internet.

  • There used to be an unspoken contract with game developers and gamers:

    • “I’ll release a finished game that you will never need to talk to me again if you don’t want to, and you can play it on any offline computer that meets the minimum specs. You will pay $X one-time for this and expect $0 spent on this game ever again”
    • “I may release an expansion pack for this game at some point in the future. It will usually cost 10% to 30% of what you paid for the original game. You are NOT required to buy this. If you like the original game the way it is, keep playing it that way. If you are a new player, you will have to buy the base game and then the expansion pack to play expansion pack content”
    • “I may, in the future, release a stand-alone sequel to the game. This game will have the same themes as the original, but I will increase the quality of the graphics/length of story/sound. You will NOT be required to buy the original game or the expansion packs to play this game. You will pay full price for this finished game”

    Somewhere that evolved into shipping unfinished games, subscription based games, battlepasses, endless DLC, loot boxes, and forced online connections for single player games.

    The game studios broke the contract. If they want endless money, that comes with endless work.

  • So turn those features off. I just checked, there’s a setting for both spellcheck and autocorrect.

    Lots of us use notepad on hundreds of different machines, many times freshly installed. “just turn it off” is not a solution as that increases the unnecessary burden beyond the utility of the application.

    A bigger sin of new Notepad is that its no longer ephemeral when not saving the file. This is really bad if you happen to copy secure data into notepad for brief evaluation or manipulation. It now gets saved unencrypted to the file system in a temporary file whether you want it or not.

  • yes, dummy

    Oh wow. I didn’t realize you’re not able to have an adult conversation. This is helpful information.

    they could take the year off, they could only play smaller venues, or even larger ones that don’t use tickemaster.

    I addressed that already, but I see my mistake wasn’t using your chosen method of communication. Let me try again:

    Pearl. Jam. tried. that. and. there. aren’t. enough. ticketmaster-less. venues. available. that. are. large. enough. to. cover. the. costs. of. a. nation. wide. tour.

    the artists are the talent

    except. the. biggest. stars. the. talent. is. paid. very. little. and. has. very. little. control. over. their. performance. choices. and. they. need. to. feed. themselves. as. music. is. their. livelihood.

    this is not fucking rocket science

    This is business and law, and its far closer to rocket science than your elementary understanding makes it out to be. Its one thing to be ignorant of the way things work. Its yet another to stand proudly and proclaiming you don’t care about being ignorant.

  • How much is 25 lbs. of fuel savings worth to you? How much is it worth to Boeing?

    United Airlines switched to lighter paper for in-flight use to save 11lbs source

    From that article:

    “With United Airline’s 4,500 daily departures, it made sense to cut 1 oz. from its in-flight magazine, and switch to a lighter paper (weighing 6.85 oz.) instead. What this means in a larger scale, says the Times, is that the airline is saving 170,000 gallons of fuel a year which amounts to $290,000 in annual fuel costs.”

  • It looks like this material is being used for interior cosmetic components, not load/stress bearing structures:

    While the sidewall panel project is awaiting additional unique tooling and funding, Boeing is exploring recycled carbon fiber for additional cabin components, such as sandwich panels, which Wynhof said are used all over the cabin in nonloadbearing structures that don’t need to have the same sound-dampening requirements as sidewall panels, such as lavatory and galley walls, partitions, monuments and bins. She said the company hopes to test them in the “very near future.”

    So things like the interior plastic “wall” you can touch when you’re sitting in the window seat. It sounds like a good use for this material if it is otherwise scrap, and has better characteristics than the virgin materials they’re using today for these parts.