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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Russia’s annexation of Ukraine is a geographical one. It’s the last corridor of easier mobilisation in Europe. Should the western border close that door, they are quite trapped by borders and the Black Sea with exception of northern approach via Belarus, though a terrible and easily stoppable option.

    Should they not have Ukraine, taking more territory in Europe is basically impossible and any dreams of a restored or Empirical Russia are well and truly dead. For all intents and purposes, they will be surrounded by unfriendly borders or impassable natural features. Even if they were capable of some sort of modern Blitzkrieg tactic—theyve proven that could never happen—it wouldn’t work.

  • The 600 and 32GB seem like overkill unless you’re future-proofing. I have a pretty solid data crunching and gaming rig (6800XT and 5900X with AIO, lighting, fans, and quite a few peripherals drawing USB power) running on 550 with 32.

    Your screenshot is saying 258W est draw. Without a GPU, I’d expext 350W is more than fine. Big ballpark to play in, get those colours and cables good. 32 will help the IGPU maybe in gaming, but 16 (as 2× 8 DDR4) should be plenty. Don’t forget to make sure the BIOS has them running at their proper speed! (Easy to Google)

    Oh, and money saved, spend on CPU or consider 16 on a 450 with a lower end dedicated GPU. Otherwise, spend it on quality of life peripherals like wireless charger, nice mouse/keyboard or monitor, nice headphones or speakers.

  • I remove the GPU because it’s so heavy and will damage the slot. Then just place it behind the passenger seat in the footwell surrounded by soft stuff (pillows, blankets, towels, etc) and roll the seat back so it’s snug and firmly locked in. All you’re looking to do is prevent shock. Movement is totally fine, but hitting a big pothole with nothing to absorb isn’t ideal.

    Safely transporting your panels requires more care. Don’t want any pressure or objects to get on the displays. One object slightly moving can press a bezel or rest on the panel 10 miles in and just do damage over time for the next 690.

    Edit: Shit, I prob should’ve mentioned how to transport panels. With as much clear room as possible. Back down, face up, no point covering the screens it’ll just put a very false sense of security in. I will put them in the passenger footwell and on the passenger seat. If I have “plenty of room” to fit another box, I do not. They need that room. They are expensive, they are fragile, they are critical. They’re like massive exposed motherboards that cost a lot more qnd don’t have a PC case protecting them.

  • Yeah, everyone’s got it to a degree. Some will be violent over those sports. Others simply make sure they look professional before going to work. I think people just need to remember what it all is at times though, before harming themselves or others in the process. I get upset at people hating who they are as much as people hating others for who they are, like anyone hada choice in it all lol.

    Can’t wait until we’ve passed it on by and socially evolved, but I will be long dead when that happens. Until then, don’t let people get ya down and just be you, y’all!

  • People can do whatever they need for their identity, but they need to remember it’s just an identity. It exists for a reason that does not come from within a person. That’s the whole premise of an identity, pursuing a specific treatment from society based on how it identifies you. The happiest people in human history give few fucks about their identity.

    So I can see why some people find it sad. But I can see why other people just as caught up and trained by society would be mad, not really understanding it’s got nothing to do with them.

  • But why? Isn’t that their capitalism at work? If they are good, people will buy them. If they are not, then German manufacturers have nothing to worry about. Heaven forbid a free market act as initially intended, balancing out to reward manufacturers that perform well and consumers with competition driven high quality at reasonable prices.

    It’s a bitch, aint it? Some times that Community Chest card ruins your whole Monopoly game.

    Oh, wait… Lobbyist card hidden under the board. That’s the capitalism we all know and loathe.