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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • In general, it isn’t about waiting for prices to drop, though that’s definitely a part. It’s more about avoiding early adoption, imo. Waiting until there’s some degree of information about the game that isn’t marketing, then deciding.

    The goal is to make sure the game is stable, that it’s something you actually want to play, and avoiding hype based playing. If the price drops, or there’s a sale, that’s icing on the cake.

    In the case of visual novels, I don’t really think it applies. The only thing you’ll really avoid by waiting is any bugs that need fixing, and they aren’t prone to a lot of bugs that break the enjoyment of the story. It does happen, but it isn’t like the usual mobile game bugfest at launches.

  • I mean, if you don’t mind solar cell production also taking a hit, yeah.

    It isn’t going to doom the world or anything, but if the mines aren’t recoverable in a fairly short amount of time, it will put a major crimp in solar deployment. That includes driving up the price (which, unless we’re willing to kick off a revolution, is a major factor in a capitalist system) of solar right when it’s really starting to be so much cheaper than fossil fuels that it can be a big shift for energy.

    Short term, it isn’t going to do anything at all. Even a few months would be a blip. But if the mines take much longer than that, it’s a big problem for everyone.

    And, as an added problem, you’ve got the people that do the work now displaced. They’ll only be able to just sit idle for so long before they have to move on to other jobs, likely well away from the area. So you have a talent drain involved that can ripple out just as badly as the production drop for solar.

    I don’t think anyone legitimately gives a fuck about the semiconductor makers taking a hit financially (well, assuming it doesn’t fuck the rest of us down the road too), but the “tech” industry isn’t just companies churning out the next GPU model or AI scam.

  • That is true, but it is still an acceptable action within that context.

    Paladins, at least the generic form of the term, aren’t held to an impossible standard. If you pick specific versions of paladin, you might run into cases where an unintentional violation of oath works to negate their holiness, but that’s rule issues, not concept issues.

    Self defense is allowed within every version of paladin because they’re knights, warriors. Illusion, insanity, trickery, it doesn’t matter because that’s external the the paladin. If their actions are righteous (and self defense is in this kind of discussion), and their intent was pure, they’re still holy.

    They might need to atone for the killing anyway, but that’s a separate issue from them being a paladin.

    If anything, Don Quixote’s later actions show that he wouldn’t have taken a life in his right mind, which points back to his righteousness.

  • Monomaniacal for sure.

    But, they’re filled with a dedication to law and goodness. Which, within the context of the story, so was Don Quixote. While he certainly behaved in ways that would seem more chaotic from an outside viewpoint, he was a knight on a holy quest.

    That kind of dedication to a cause is a little crazy by itself.

    That Quixote was towards the end of life and seemed to be in an altered state of mind, his inner self was pure, which makes him a paladin, sworn to an oath.

    Moreover, his quest was successful. He achieved what he set out to do.

  • Yeah, Ubuntu overall, but it depends on which version of each.

    Windows 7, I’m so familiar with and have a collection of programs for without having to download anything, it would be fine for my needs, neither better or worse than Ubuntu. The only inherent improvement for my use case is the up to date security of a newer, supported OS.

    I don’t game on pc currently because it just fucking hurts to sit in the chair long enough to play anything worth playing. I don’t do anything that requires Adobe products. That means Linux is going to be as good as an out of date windows on any version from the same time as when 7 lost support, and likely older versions too. There’s no functional difference in the kind of use I’d put either to. Again my use case.

    So it comes down to security between versions.

    Now, if I’m forced to pick between any more recent windows versions and any Ubuntu version, no way am I using windows unless it’s via VM. 8 was bad enough I wasn’t willing to move from 7. 10 jumped the shark and made me start using Linux to begin with. 11? Fuck no. Just no. Won’t do it. Won’t buy anything that has it and can’t be immediately loaded with something else.

    However, canonical can fuck itself with snaps. Ubuntu works fine, I have no issues with anything other than snap really. I prefer mint w/cinnamon for my debian offspring, but that’s a different subject.

    Ubuntu was the first distro I tried back when windows 10 came out and it became obvious what Microsoft was really trying to do. It was good enough that I dual booted with it and windows 7 for a long while, until I tried mint/cinnamon.

    That computer still dual boots 7 and mint, it’s my media player. No internet connection, and whatever version of mint was on there when I got my newer box. I would have moved out to mint only, but musicbee. Can’t stand the available music players for Linux. I’ve tried them all over the years, and they can’t hold up to musicbee’s features. I also haven’t had success with the available ways to use musicbee on linux. I try every year or two though.

  • Mozilla has firefox and thunderbird. They’re the two core utilities. The vpn attempt, the Mastodon server, that kind of stuff is fluff.

    I may be using the wrong terminology? It was an offhand comment and that’s the word that I picked out of my head, it might mean something different to a developer, I dunno.

    But Mozilla, if you ignore what Google pays them, is not exactly a high profit endeavour, and we don’t want it to be. So having what funds they have focused onto the things that matter is what I’d prefer they do. Mind you, if the vpn pulls enough in to generate funds rather than cost them, that’s great.