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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Yeah, same here. My 1080ti still performs more than adequately enough.

    That’s also a thing about all this gpu pricing - things are starting just to become ‘enough’, without the need to upgrade like you did before.

    Same thing happened to phones, and then high end phones got expensive as fuck. I mean I had a Galaxy note 2 I bought for 400 bucks back in the day and that was already expensive.

  • You can’t really compare an 8800gt to a 1070 to a 4080.

    8800gt was just another era, the 1070 is the 70 series from a time where they had the ti and the titan, and the 4080 is the top gpu other than the 4090.

    If you wanted to compare to the 10 series, a better match for the 4080 would be the 1080ti, which I own, and paid like 750 for back in 2017.

    Sure, they’re on the money grabbing train now, and the 4080 should realistically be around 20% cheaper - around 800 bucks, to be fair.

    Thing is though, if you just want gaming, a 4070 or 4060 is enough. They did gimp the VRAM though, which is not too great. If those cards came standard with 16gb of VRAM, they’d be all good.

  • For remote backup, always keep your data in multiple ‘importance levels’. There’s replaceable, irreplaceable and very important.

    Replaceable is non-niche movies and all kinds of other things that are commonly available, data not ‘exclusive to you’. Irreplaceable is data that is (probably) only owned by you - photos, videos, source code, documents and so on. Very important are the few documents you really can’t afford to lose. Security keys, banking info and so on.

    I don’t bother backing up replaceable data - I keep one local and one off site backup for the irreplaceable data and very important data (1tb hetzner storage box is enough for me), and I keep a few encrypted physical usb sticks and sd cards strewn around at my parents and at work for the irreplaceable data that periodically get updated.

  • If you think a block of code needs a comment, turn it into a method and give it a proper name instead.

    Really depends. Yes, if someone doesn’t get what’s wrong with this statement, they should. But you shouldn’t wrap something in a method all the time just because. Sure, maybe you can make it an inline method, but usually, a method call takes time, and while it’s not a lot of time, in constrained or complex system that can accumulate. A lot. Sure, the compiler might optimize stuff away, but don’t just go blindly trusting your compiler.

    Sure, a method call for something that gets called once a second is not a problem. But when you suddenly have thousands and thousands of method calls when say, you click a button, which calls method x which calls method x1 which calls y1 and y2 which call z1-10 and so on, then the method calls can suddenly turn into a problem.

    Maybe not on a fast, modern device, but on an older or more constrained device. If your code never runs on there, sure, don’t bother.