the pandemic making people realize - oh shit they can just grind all this to a halt with the push of a button

the recent election frauds / riots / etc in the US, global warming / severe weather increasing, capitalism getting more and more ruthless, everything sucks more and costs more…

it feels so weird that it’s 2023 and we still care about dress codes or professionalism, at the same time. because it sort of feels like we’re in the beginning of a movie waiting for the bad thing to happen

    11 months ago

    I chose not to have kids to lessen my climate impact 25+ years ago. That way my climate impact dies with me. It is the biggest emissions reduction any person can make.

    You do what ever you want, though you seem to be complaining quite a lot about my choices and that others may complain or chose to end their climate impact on their own terms.

    I live simply, no car, public transport only. My phone is 7 years old, my pc is 10.

    etc etc etc