Iran on Saturday night launched a large wave of attack drones from its territory toward the Jewish state, in the first-ever direct attack on Israel by the Islamic Republic, with warning sirens activated in Israeli communities throughout the country early Sunday as the military worked to intercept the Iranian aircraft.

Footage of the Iranian attack over Jerusalem’s Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif

    7 months ago

    An embarrassment? They announced the attack before it began and then undertook it in an highly telegraphed manner. They specifically only did so to respond to Israel’s illegal bombing of one of their diplomatic embassies.

    Fuck Iran and fuck Hamas and all the other terrorist groups Iran funds, but Israel broke international law by bombing an Iranian diplomatic outpost, and then Iran returned fire in a token and intentionally non destructive manner. They then announced that the bombings would cease if there was no further response, and did so.

    If anything Iran just pulled off a diplomatic win by looking like the adult in the room compared to Israel’s ill-considered actions. They just made Israel look even more reactionary and disjointed as a nation-state, right after the extremely public and recklessly callous aid worker murder fuck ups in their Palestinian war.

    Iran just headed off a regional war that Israel tried to start. This was an Iranian diplomatic victory.