• korny@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Definitely not me, my dad hates that after my brother did it.

    It all began innocently enough. My family had gathered for a lazy Sunday brunch, seeking refuge from the relentless sun.

    As the meal progressed, laughter and chatter filled the air. But amidst the joviality, a small ice cube managed to escape its glass prison, slipping onto the tiled floor with a barely audible tinkling sound.

    At first, it went unnoticed. But as fate would have it, my younger brother , perhaps distracted by the excitement of the day, accidentally kicked the wayward ice cube under the refrigerator with a careless flick of the foot.

    Initially, there was no reaction. But as the meal continued and the ice cube remained forgotten beneath the appliance, a subtle change began to take hold. The father, ever observant, caught sight of the ice cube’s icy trail and the faint click as it disappeared beneath the fridge.

    At first, he said nothing, choosing instead to watch quietly as the ice cube remained trapped in its chilly exile. But with each passing minute, a sense of unease began to gnaw at him. The simple act of neglect, the disregard for tidiness and order, slowly chipped away at his patience.

    Finally, unable to contain his growing frustration, my father’s voice broke through the cheerful din. “Did you just kick that ice cube under the fridge?” he asked, his tone deceptively calm.

    He then left the room, but quickly came back and beat my brother senseless with a set of jumper cables.