• InfiniteGlitch@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    5 months ago

    The main idea I’m trying to express is that the IDF should practice restraint where possible. If the restraint is at the cost of raising the risk of their opperations, I’d not blame them if they don’t restrain themselves as much as we, people that are safe and sound possibly in another continent, would think is reasonable.

    You do realize that the IDF are a lot safer than the normal Palestinian civilians and even Hamas themselves? The IDF has billions of tanks, weapons and armory which are provided by US dollars. You are trying to justify murdering innocent civilians which is just not possible. You cannot justify killing over 36 000 normal civillians.

    I’m not aware of all the movements of the IDF. When Isreal bombs any civilian building, they always claim it was being used as a Hamas hideout or a missile launching base. If there’s civilians casualities, it’s possible the Hamas forced them to remain there to act as human shield deterrent. If not, I see no reason for Isreal to waste their bombs on buildings where there’s no terrorists hiding. For now there’s no way to confirm things one way or another. If journalists died, we can’t confirm at the moment the IDF targeted them specifically or if it’s mere casuality of war (doing journlistic work in a war zone is risky, after all).

    You are not aware of the movements that have been broadcasted on almost ever news-outlet? I call that nonsense. Then again if you are not aware if it, how are even able to write and speak about the particular matter? By this sentence you are basically saying; ‘’I do not know and, I’m ignorant. But I have opinions’’.

    If you see no reason for Israel to bomb buildings and innocent civillians, you are either a very ignorant person or Zionist. Mayhap both. Because Israel wants the everything that the Palestinian people once owned. That’s widely known. There’s full of evidence all over the internet.

    Once again; you really need to educate yourself in the history before even writing about it.

    In this case, I think it would e much easier to identify the Hamas terrorists when they’re surrounded by people of another ethinicity, and when those people would gladly point out where’s the terrorist instead of being coerced to cooperate with Hamas. So I think Israel would not bomb the hospital.

    This a load of nonsense and I will tell you why; Israel shot and killed the hostages themselves. Not only that, it’s not always easy to distinguish by ethnicity. Besides, you keep pretending as if normal civilians are cooperating with Hamas which gives you the excuse to claim that all Palestinians are Hamas.

    So first; normal civilians are not Hamas. Secondly they are not cooperating with Hamas, they’re literally running away from the danger that Israel is creating. For example; Israel told the normal Palestinian refugees to seek safety in Rafah and guess? Israel bombed Rafah.

    Even before the October 7th, Hamas was already fostering hatred for Israel in its population. The children were being indoctrinated from their school ages to hate Israel. Most humanitarian donations the Gazan government received from the UN and other countries they diverted for the construction of their tunnel system and missile launchers whenever possible. Contruction materials for building houses and schools were all used to build the tunnels they’re using now to hide from the IDF. The pipes for pumbling were used for missile launchers. Instead of using the international aid to develop their community, they used it for terrorist purposes. At this point, capitulating for the Hamas’ demands will not stop the hatred, because they were hateful long before October 7th. Israel saw that the only way to stop the future attacks is in a pragmatic way: destroying Hamas and its military e political capabilities, and making sure no future Gazan government shall have the military capability to attack Israel. How the’re gonna do it? I don’t know, but they’re adamant in doing it.

    Yeah and why would Hamas have an immense hatred towards Israel? Let me repeat my previous comment which explains the hatred for Israel (gee, I have to once again repeat myself!);

    ‘’Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

    Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the horrifying things Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.’’

    The children were being indoctrinated from their school ages to hate Israel

    Huge claim, NO reliable source to provide. Which means, it can dismissed. The hatred for Israel is made by Israel themselves because of what I said here above.

    Contruction materials for building houses and schools were all used to build the tunnels they’re using now to hide from the IDF. The pipes for pumbling were used for missile launchers. Instead of using the international aid to develop their community, they used it for terrorist purposes

    Gee, giving money to a group that wants vengeance for what Israel has done since 1948 is being used for a preparation to strike back. How surprising! (sarcasm). You blame Hamas for everything and justify everything that Israel has been doing since 1948. You have double standards and its shining bright for everything to read.

    You want Hamas to stop existing? Give the Palestinian people their right to live, their land and normal human conditions. It’s pretty simple.

    These numbers were provided by the Hamas, which have an incentive to inflate it so as to exert pressure on Israel’s allies. I’m certain there’s no way for anyone to provide an accurate body count of casualities in this war, as it is ongoing, and there’s many bodies that might be under rubble. And as I said: it’s a Hamas tactic to use their citizens as human shields whenever possible. When they brag about the number of casualities, deep down they like when there’s more dead citizens, because for them it only represent necessary sacrifices for achieving one goal: pressure Israel allie’s to make Isreal stop their military advancement, so the Hamas can regroup and resume their missile strikes against Isreal territory at full force. For them this is a holy war: they just hate Isreal and want it gone. If they make Isreal back down and agree to a indefinite ceasefire, it’ll signal to the other enemies of Isreal (Hezbolah, Iran…) that they’re soft, and will encourage them to attack Isreal as well. Isreal is a country that’s surrounded by enemies that hate it, so they were forced to invest heavily in millitary defense systems, and make millitary conscription mandatory to both genders. Israel is the only democracy in a area brimming with autocracies and teocracies

    Yet when Israel gives these numbers you immediately trust them, right? While its widely known throughout the entire world that Israel has been lying over, over and over again.

    These numbers are not only said by Hamas but also by other official instances.

    And as I said: it’s a Hamas tactic to use their citizens as human shields whenever possible.

    ‘’Hamas tactic’’ when there are videos of IDF actually using Palestinian people as shields.

    For them this is a holy war: they just hate Isreal and want it gone

    Another blatant LIE. Hamas was literally created because they wanted to have better living conditions. They want their land, homes and human rights back.

    Isreal is a country that’s surrounded by enemies that hate it

    Gee, stealing land gives you enemies! Who would have thought about that?! They decided to steal the land of the Palestinian people in 1948 which is in the Middle East. Gee, who would know that would get you surrounded by enemies?

    I’m not extremelly familiar to the history of Isreal, but I don’t think it’s fair the Isrealli citizens of today pay for supposed mistakes of their ancestors from 70+ years ago. A ceasefire now would only benefit the Hamas and let them regroup with more weapons and ammo, and build new milittary outposts. I defend a indefinite ceasefire, but after Hamas is destroyed, of course. This war would already be over if Hamas surrendered already, but it seems they prefer to extend the suffering of their people. It just proves they don’t care for their people, they care for power. And if by apartheid system you mean border controls, so every country has such system because no serious country allows indiscriminate entry of foreigners in its borders without aplying some criteria first. And in Isreal, 20% of the population is of Arab descent and they enjoy full citizen status. Go ask them if they’re unhappy with the “Israelli regime” and if they’d rather go move to the Gaza strip.

    I’m not extremelly familiar to the history of Isreal

    This right here proved once again; You are writing ignorantly and only out of personal opinion. Anything you say can be dismissed immediately.

    the Isrealli citizens of today pay for supposed mistakes of their ancestors from 70+ years ago

    Happens when you stay in a land that was stolen 76 years ago and keep pretending as if it yours.

    A ceasefire now would only benefit the Hamas and let them regroup with more weapons and ammo, and build new milittary outposts

    It would actually benefit everyone. Israel citizens, Hamas, Palestinian people and even the entire world. But you seem to be unable to dig deeper than your personal opinion.

    This war would already be over if Hamas surrendered already, but it seems they prefer to extend the suffering of their people

    I will comment to this in my second comment since apparently, I cant write anymore in this one (seems I got to its limit)