That’s it

    5 months ago

    You specifically said bar crawl, so better not walk downtown in the evenings, period.

    I mean…yes? I’m 6’0, 270lbs and even I don’t walk downtown at night. Forget the drunks. You’ll just get straight up shot, or stabbed. All for the $37 in your wallet. They don’t care.

    Better yet, women just stay home in, like, the kitchen or something.

    Also yes. But not just women. Everyone. The best time I can remember was covid when the shutdowns happened. If it weren’t for all the death, and riots, that would be a fondly remembered time. Mostly because you could walk down the street without breathing in cigerette smoke, or having crackheads chase you with lead pipes. It was great walking around without people everywhere.

    Then during the year I had to stay home for chemo, unable to work, financially it sucked. But it was peaceful staying home all day. That’s what every day should be!

    …but also every home should have a dishwasher. I loved my time healing. I hated washing dishes. But I still loved never leaving the house.