2 picks for me: Stardew Valley, most boring shit ever, I don’t see the appeal, seriously how the hell did that thing sold 20 million copies?

And Witcher 3, I own that game since 2019 and I regret buying it, funny thing is that I’ve finished Dragon Age 1 and 2, which are kinda same genre but I actually enjoyed those games. I guess the old BioWare sauce carried those games unlike Witcher where there’s nothing to enjoy in its massive pointless world.

    • The How™@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      The narrative structuring around ghouls generally paints them as being unjustly denigrated, so even if they are race stand-ins it wouldn’t be for the purpose of promoting white supremacism.

      • masquenox@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        The narrative structuring around ghouls generally paints them as being unjustly denigrated… but still an undeniable “other” that diverges from the “norm” (ie, whiteness) - exactly the way liberal ideology has always excused white supremacism.


        • The How™@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          By that logic any depiction of any form of supremacy, or otherism as a concept, regardless of intent, is detrimental. So, homogeneity only? Commentary is an excuse? Critiquing about the problem is as bad as endorsing it?

          It sounds like you’re not mad at Fallout specifically, but one of the core tropes of literature as a genre, and basically the entire concept of social satire.

            • The How™@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              You’re trying to dismantle the echo chamber by amplifying voices inside to the point that they think what they’re saying no longer or has never made sense, and by extension alienate folks outside looking in.

              It sounds like an interesting strategy, and might be fun if that’s what your about, but I doubt it’s very effective. I think the risk of it backfiring is probably too high to see a very good return on your effort, especially without any way to verify positive outcomes. Maybe you’re different, but I could also see the toxicity of the cynicism required to maintain the strategy decompartmentalizing and seeping into other parts of my life, potentially causing me to alienate my friends and family as well as affecting my mental health.

              I any case, I got respect for anyone willing to stick to their guns for what they think is right, especially if it’s for positive social change. I just hope you’ve weighed the consequences of your method.

              • masquenox@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                It sounds like an interesting strategy, and might be fun if that’s what your about, but I doubt it’s very effective

                I’ve been doing this since 2016 - the only thing the alternative strategy is effective at is to ensure it’s users suffer endless burnout.

                As you can see… I’m still very much at it.

                I think the risk of it backfiring is probably too high to see a very good return on your effort,

                Backfire to what? Simply flowing along the “liberal-to-fascist” pipeline like they were doing anyway?

                I expect no “return” here - this is not a business. I don’t treat people like “political assets” that has to be gaslit into doing what this or that faction of the political establishment wants at all costs - here on lemmy.world, I leave that shit to the “vote blue no matter who” brigade.

                but I could also see the toxicity of the cynicism required to maintain the strategy decompartmentalizing and seeping into other parts of my life

                Not really… my irritation with people who think they can “vote” fascism away is short-lived and skin-deep - it’s very hard to stay angry at people when you know exactly how the politics that have been drilled into their heads got there in the first place. You might just as well stay angry at people for catching the cold.

                potentially causing me to alienate my friends and family as well as affecting my mental health.

                The group of people privileged enough to be able to convince themselves that politics is simply a spectator sport they can opt out of whenever something better is showing on the other channel is shrinking by the day - the friends and family I’ve lost to the far-right had very little to do with my behavior, I’m afraid. It’s almost like liberal politics primes people to either lurch towards the right or merely acquiesce to it after a smidgen of ineffective protest - and I have a hunch that’s no coincidence.

          • Xanis@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            I think, if you’re serious, you may wish to consider challenging what you believe in. You won’t get a rise out of me, so don’t bother. I just wish to push you to try.

            Cheers, friend. Hope you do. :)

            • masquenox@lemmy.world
              4 months ago

              you may wish to consider challenging what you believe in.

              Then offer me something - show me how your ideology actually explain anything.

              That is - if you can?

              • Xanis@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                Sorry :)

                I know from experience that the only way anyone who holds such strong beliefs will change their mind is when they are placed in a situation that seriously challenges it. So most of the time it is up to the individual to choose to challenge their beliefs, not me. I’m just a speaker you can ignore.

                Good luck. I hope if you do that you end up at some conclusion that helps you. And yes, I know you will claim that this means I have nothing to show you. I guess you’ll have to decide if that means you’re unwilling to try.

                • masquenox@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  I’m just a speaker you can ignore.

                  I’m not ignoring you - I’m giving you (and the rest of the liberals in here) the perfect opportunity to extoll the virtues of liberal “see no white supremacism, hear no white supremacism, speak no white supremacism” ideology.

                  Unsurprisingly, there are no takers. I am left to draw the obvious conclusion - that liberals are no less invested in the maintenance of racialized society than their fascist cousins are. It’s just the way this investment is expressed that differs.

                  • Xanis@lemmy.world
                    4 months ago

                    Hahaha, yeah, you’re right, we ain’t biting. :)

                    You could, and this is just a thought, also choose to look up the many arguments and discussions on this exact topic online, since you’re so keen to explore it. Bootstraps, my friend. Gotta put in the work!

    • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      Man… you went so far out of left field to reach that conclusion that you’ve landed in touchdown territory!

    • Olhonestjim@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Nah, race isn’t implied in any of that. Ghouls were originally portrayed sympathetically, for the most part, at least until they turned zombie-like. Do you think zombies imply racism?

      As for tribals; surprise! Humans arrange ourselves into small groups, often referred to as tribes, no matter what our shade of skin, nation or origin, or even our level of technology.

        • Olhonestjim@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Sorry buddy, these are not the stereotypes you think they are.

          Lots of different movies feature lots of white people. Zombie movies often feature minorities. Frankly, zombie movies have much more to say about modern life than other genres. If they focus on white people more, it’s typically to point out how we’re pretty fucked up right now without the zombies. It’s not racist to comment on race. But you have by no means established that Fallout made ghouls as racist stereotypes.

          Tribes have always existed, in every people group. We have them now, everywhere. We grow up in them. We build them on our own. Only loners live outside them, and they aren’t healthy. Just because diverse people revert to older tech after an apocalypse and get referred to as “tribals” does not make it racist. Even if it was, it’s the fuckin apocalypse! I’m woke as fuck, but some people might possibly become a little shittier at the end of the world. They could be calling each other much worse things. Regardless, you have not established any connection to America’s reservations whatsoever. Nor frankly, have you demonstrated that you speak for Native Americans.

        • Klear@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          The protagonist of Fallout 2 is literally a tribal that goes to save his tribe and in the end kills the president of USA.

    • JargonWagon@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Oh look… a conservative that refuses to see white supremacy when it’s literally on a screen a few inches from their face.

      FTFY. Yawn.