Hungary’s National Card scheme simplifies visa procedures and security screenings for “guest workers” coming from Russia and Belarus.

The European Commission has asked Hungary to explain its recent decision to ease visa requirements for Russian and Belarusian citizens, which Brussels worries “could lead to a de facto circumvention” of the bloc’s restrictions and undermine safety standards across the passport-free Schengen Area.

“Russia is a security threat. We need more, not less vigilance. Giving potential Russian spies and saboteurs easy EU access would undermine the security of us all,” said Ylva Johansson, the Europen Commissioner for Home Affairs.

“If their easy access scheme is a risk, we will act.”

  • Transporter Room
    3 months ago

    At this point, I’m almost positive that a republican US president could sign a treaty with north Korea, China, Russia, and Fucking Thanos, and everyone launches nukes, and world leaders and media outlets alike (that survive the ensuing shit show) would STILL beat around the bush and ask “What’s all this, then?” like things aren’t glaringly obvious.

    “Well we can’t report reality, or we might get accused of bias…” is getting old.