Damn, shoulda asked for the extended edition.
Coulda had second last meal.
I don’t think they know about second last meal.
There is no other version.
*I’ll give a pass to using the theatrical version of Fellowship for someone new to the whole thing, but the rest has to be full.
I don’t think they know about second last meal.
there was a firing squad execution in 2010??
I’d take that over a lethal injection. A bullet to the head is better than them fucking up the injection.
Cue the Monty Python Russian firing squad skit (part of The Cycling Tour).
“How could you miss?”
“He moved.”
“Shut up! Go and practise. (to Pither) I’m so sorry. Do you mind waiting in your cell?”
it’s bullets to the heart https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronnie_Lee_Gardner
The dude is a piece of shit but what the fuck
“A commemorative coin was commissioned for prison staff who participated in the execution.”
It’s because he requested to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He was given his last meal in 1977 but they brought him the extended editions.
I think there’s a state or two that gives you a choice.
If execution is a thing, why not? I’d much rather take a bullet to the heart than the torture that is lethal injection. Hell, if they do it right, I’d even take hanging over LI. (Snap the neck not just suffocate)
im not sure any of these options you listed are realistically better, though firing squad may be the one here most likely to kill the quickest i suppose.
First let’s clear up the background: I don’t think execution should be a thing.
If it is, and if it’s happening to me (or therefore, empathetically happening to someone else)…the main goal is the speed and certainty of death.
The worst case is that it fails, and they have to stabilize you and try again another day. (This has happened with LI).
The second worst case is that it takes a long time. (This has happened with LI where they misdosed the person)
The third worst case is that it is very painful (this has happened with LI when they failed to dose the anesthesia and sedative properly. The third drug in the cocktail stops the heart but apparently is painful)
So given those concerns, the firing squad is certainly better. With 5 shooters and 4 real rifle bullets, the failure of even half of the shooters to “do a good job” will still result in a very fast and certain death.
Hanging is slightly more fraught as you need the hangman to know what he’s doing, and set the knot properly to snap your neck, else you suffocate.
So overall I’d take firing squad.
Outside of this situation, I’d take nitrogen gas hypoxia, but that requires a COMPLETE and certain exclusion of ambient air…when it was used in Alabama in 2024 they just used a mask and it is suspected ambient air was sneaking in. As such the victim suffered for many minutes as they got a dangerous but not immediately fatal mix of air.
Yeah lethal injection is horrific and only apparently less traumatic to observers, not the patient. i am not sure how a modern firing squad is operated, but ill point out that people survive high bullet wound counts all the time, but hopefully shock sets in quickly at least yes. hanging is generally intentionally ineffective, the cruelty is as much the point as in li.
hypoxia is a hard one to argue with, but yeah executions simply shouldnt be a thing
In the case of the above, (Gardner) it was 5 shooters, 25 ft, with a target on his heart. .30 caliber rifle rounds, 4 live rounds, 1 wax.
Assuming the shooters were braced and zeroed, expected deviation would be tiny, maybe if I were cynical, expect a spread of 4 inches?that’s really generous at that range, with a good brace and quality rifles.
4 rifle rounds on target for the heart at 25 ft with a deviation no more than 4 inches would be mean instant death, 99.9% of the time. That’s pretty damn good compared to hanging or leathal injection, hence my “vote” to get that one.
this relies still on the shooters doing a good job, but yeah fair
Medical professionals usually frown upon anything with doing harm. With the whole “do-no-harm” oath usually taken. This leads to “lethal injections” made by non-medical individuals, where they struggle to buy ingredients (also cus nobody wants to sell killing drugs) - and injected by non-professionals.
This leads to injections being quite often hour long processes of extremely painful deaths. Not uncommonly it’s unsucessfully.
Being shot is honestly, far more humane. (Though any death penalty is unjust, especially considering how many are found innocent after their death.)
While I agree with everything you’ve said, do these firing squads never miss? It seems like something that could get fucked up either way
Probably true? https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/executions/botched-executions Here it does say that 0 cases of firing squad has had a botched case tbh, but it is quite low numbers - so it isn’t a good reference for statistics
You just know after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on each death row inmate, they probably skimp on their last meal.