• Showroom7561@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    You’re very focused on religion and seem to be missing all of the points about logic.

    Religion is quite literally the topic that the OP brought forth. And there is no logic when it comes to religion, so why bother sidelining the thread with discussion about logic rather than region?

    If someone makes a claim… it needs… evidence

    This is problematic without a rigorous definition of evidence. I’m assuming you mean something along the lines of repeatable and independently verifiable since you won’t take a claim at face value.

    I think you’re overcomplicating things.

    If someone says that a character named Noah put two of every species of animal on a boat, can that be verified? Is it even possible mathematically, knowing what we know about how many species of animals exist, and the volume that two of every species would take up? Yes, and mathematically, the story is BS.

    What about the age of the earth? We know that it’s older than 6000 years, so that’s another religious belief thrown out the window.

    What about the age of humans? The bible has people 400+ years old. Can this be proven? We know that there are no humans alive or ever alive, that could be that old.

    It gets even worse when you think about the miracles of saints. Why is it, at a time when we could absolutely be able to verify whether something is a miracle or not, we don’t get miracles.

    God was doing all sorts of things merely two thousand years ago. Crazy thing like turning people into salt and raining fire down from the sky.

    These things don’t happen any more, conveniently.

    In other words, you can’t use logic and reason to say those that believe in religion are idiots because you have just as much proof as they do (just faith) if we accept the basic axioms that drive our logical system.

    I’m asking them to prove what they believe in to be true. It’s as simple as that.

    People devote their entire lives believing. They ruin their kids lives through their beliefs. They also ruin the lives of others through the stripping away of basic rights, all based on their own beliefs.

    It really isn’t too much to ask for their beliefs to be challenged.

    The lack of something in your hand is not necessary and sufficient to prove the ball’s existence. The only claim we can make is that your hand is empty.

    And yet I can claim that there is a god, without producing evidence of that god, and everyone is to believe that the god exists? Because that’s what religious folks are doing.

    At least with the ball example, I proved that it doesn’t exist by showing you that there is no ball. Why is there no ball? Because it was made up. It never existed. See how that works?

    Here is a metaphysical claim for you to chew on: it is possible to know whether or not it is possible to prove a claim.

    Yes. Courts, scientists, and insurance companies do it all the time.

    Do you have an example of a claim that we can test this out on?

    • thesmokingman@programming.dev
      8 months ago

      All of this continues to go past you. You want to attack the metaphysical for its belief system yet you completely miss when you make the same logical leaps for yours. How can insurance companies prove something? Why are they right? If a court makes a decision, is that the correct one? Prove it. Only you can’t use logic or anything that comes from logical systems because, based on your attacks on religion, you’re not allowed to use the faith to prove the faith.