If only the legal system would also fine companies many times their earning potential for their infractions.
Well they should have fined Facebook for the Cambridge Analytica scandal, a couple of trillions. That would have taught a lot of companies about
ethicshow to not lose all your money.Instead we issue paltry fines to corporations. Simply, because we have convinced the public that corporations are job creators. Who doesn’t love a job creator!?
Me. The people that created my job are fucking morons and have no business creating jobs
Financially enslaved for life by a corporation. What a sick world we live in. Fuck Nintendo.
Legally, he’s not allowed to mess around with modern gaming hardware.
I find these things very disgusting. Not sure if that extends to computers in general. But courts can and have basically prevented “hackers” from taking part in modern life or use the skills they are good at to make ends meet.
No one seems to be enforcing that part of his sentence, judging by the fact he recently came out with a new flashcard for the Nintendo switch, and people already found proof he is behind it
And make products better
Free Kevin!
He’s dead dude.
People like Gary Bowser are the reason why we need copyright reform.
Lol this man has to be on public services because Nintendo wants him to send them 20 bucks every month for the rest of his life. Fucking petty AND basically passing lots of cost on to taxpayers AND they still will never stop pirates. Fuck Nintendo, yo.
fuck paying Nintendo for life. I hope he can move to a country where Nintendo won’t be able to enforce anything and start a new life. He committed a victimless crime which shouldn’t even be a crime IMO and even worse, he was imprisoned for it. And now he has to live as a slave for Nintendo the rest of his life?
I don’t really know which countries would legally shield him from Nintendo’s bullshit tho.
Bowser maintains that he could have fought the allegations, and that other members of the hacking group remain at large. … It was easier, he claims, to plead guilty … Bowser now has to send Nintendo 20-30% of any money left over after he pays for necessities such as rent.
… Bowser … thinks that after rent, he has a couple of hundred dollars leftover for food and other necessities. He assumes he’ll be turning to food support services.
Love charities supporting Nintendo. Good making an example out of him! That’ll teach future hackers to use TOR, I mean not do it!
14 million dollars. What a stupid and useless punishment, even as an example to others. Cruel and unusual. Anyone going to the piracy level of the crew he was involved in isn’t going to be deterred. They’ll take their chances. All this did was make some dude with a hard life suffer more. That’s multiple lifetimes of money that a billion dollar corporation will never see, or need. Way to go, court system. Ruining a life for no good reason.
Just 8.2 lifetimes. No biggie.
What’s funny is that pirates often become paying customers when they can afford it. So it’s not unlikely that Bowser helped stoke the flames of nostalgia in thousands of gamers. And what kind of console do you think those people are going to get for their kids if they ever start a family?
I would literally attempt to assassinate the head of Nintendo if this happened to me.
Hey Nintendo, FUCK YOU
At this point, I refuse to give Nintendo any money. I love their games, but the way they run their company is horrible. Screwing this guy over is just one point on a very long list.
Honestly if I had heard about this case before I bought my switch I probably would have said the same now I feel like I have a piece of Hardware that I barely use anyway that I feel like I shouldn’t have bought.
Granted I feel like this is kind of his own fault, not because of his involvement with it but because it seems like he just literally folded without a fight. I think it’s yet actually fought the charges, yes it would have cost time and money in the long run but I don’t think it would be as bad as what the punishment they gave was.
he also, improbably, shares it with Nintendo of America’s current president, Doug Bowser
Nintendo really has a thing for Bowsers. They arrested one, and have another as its CEO.
It’s also a character in some of their games! 😅
You don’t say…
It’s true, he’s not lying. I’d know, my dad works for Nintendo.
Hello Mr Bowser.
Let’s change the crime to a pie… I take a pie and leave it out in front of my house on the front of the fence (aka firewall). Now the pie is special because It comes with instructions on how to make it under the plate.
Mr Gary is walking his dog down the street. His dog torrent smells that pie and grabs the plate carefully bringing it to Mr Gary. Mr Gary is a little embarrassed but hey it’s outside the wall so what could it hurt.
They get home and Mr Gary eats the pie with his good ol friend torrent, and he notices the recipe. He loves the pie so he gives the recipe to all his friends. Sure the ingredients do cost money but in the case of software they do not. Now everyone is enjoying this new pie flavor and not buying it from Mr Nintendo the pie makers and plumbing company. So Mr Nintendo sues Mr Gary for all the pies that would have been sold. 14million dollars based on the pecan recipe previously sold.
So who is at fault? Fucking Nintendo! Don’t leave your brand new pies out in the public you dumb asses!
Now, judge Dread suggests…“the fence is still in Mr Nintendo’s Property”… 🤔.! Really?
Then why does Mr. Google and all his friends go up to my fence to collect cookies when I leave my fence open? Shouldn’t I be able to sue their ass just because I can’t quite close my fence to them?
All that talk about the punishment fitting the crime in the justice system, unless you ruffle the feathers of some rich corporation.
Link to his gofundme: https://www.gofundme.com/f/garyopa-restarting-his-life
Don’t donate too much, Nintendo’s gonna take that shit.
Dude needs to move to a country without Nintendo jurisdiction and restart the GoFundMe. I’d give the dude $100. Fuck Nintendo over that.
He only has to pay 20% of his left over after expenses like rent.
And if the GoFundMe reaches the amount he owes, he’ll be a free man.
Stop defending Nintendo here.
How is that defending Nintendo?
Stop smoking the herbs my friend